martes, 25 de septiembre de 2012

4th Practice (Intermediate I)

My last practice with Intermediate I went well. I expected it to turn out fine because I prepared more material than in previous classes. The class was to be a general review focused on practice. The warmup was a song that had comparative and superlative adjectives.

Once again I used flashcards, this time as suggested by my tutor, so students could form sentences comparing the landmarks in the pictures. They even learned the name of some famous places they did not know about before. I wrote the spelling on the board and pasted the flashcards there too. I asked them to give me some example sentences, and they did.

I handed out over 20 celebrity posters. Students got in pairs, but everyone got one picture. I asked them to make comparisons between the celebrities. In addition, they came up with sentences using superlatives. The group liked the activity, as the visual aids made it more appealing. Each couple shared one sentence of theirs.

Finally, the class worked on a worksheet about the topic. There were two pages and not much time. So, I had them solve the first page of exercises along with me. They worked on the second one by themselves. In the end, we checked the answers.

A few new words were also introduced for the vocabulary section. Again I did some drawings on the board, provided definitions, example sentences in common context and had them repeat for pronunciation. I must say that because it was the last class, people were quite eager to ask questions and there was a very comfortable environment, just like it often happens in the last classes. This was a rich experience for my teaching practicum.

3 comentarios:

  1. wow great job then!!! visual aids play an important role when students want to get the meaning of words they do not know.. I could see that you did a great job by using many sources to teach this class. so good job.

  2. Visual aids are really helpful and it is evident that students are going to like activities in which they see and manipulate. I am sure you were working with comparatives and you used pictures so they could come up easily with many adjectives. That is a great job. You look devoted to your practice.

  3. I think that the use of visual aids gives your classes a different touch, and it can help you to work with different learning styles. It is good that you took into consideration your tutors' suggestions because it that way you can improve your teaching.
