martes, 11 de septiembre de 2012

2nd Practice (Intermediate I)

Fortunately, this second class went better than last time. The rapport improved and everybody seemed to be more comfortable. They were more eager to ask me questions, expressing their doubts on meaning of words, etc. The warm-up was simply listening to a song containing gerunds, and they were to focus on listening. I did not provide them with lyrics, so they had to pay attention and write down gerunds as they listened to the track.

I made a quick review from last class and reminded some new concepts regarding gerunds/infinitives and the verbs they follow. After re-connecting to prior knowledge, they worked on a worksheet I gave them. Most of them grasped the topic because they got almost all the answers right. 

In this class, I had some vocabulary that was difficult to explain using plain words. Therefore, I did a couple of drawings on the board to complement the definitions, which worked effectively by showing them a clearer picture of the meanings.

Afterwards, they had some reading practice that included a "fill in the blanks" activity. Once again, they succeeded in the completion of the task and when they did not, I would provide further explanation on why they needed to consider the case and the context to decide whether to use an infinitive or a gerund, based on factors like probability, certainty (or lack of), and what verbs only accept either gerunds or infinitives.

To finish the class, I developed a listening activity. Before playing the audio, they tried to solve the exercise based on context and what option in parentheses was the most fitting one. Then, they listened and checked if their answers were correct. There were some new words and I took some time to introduce them, sometimes relating the vocabulary from the same lesson and talking about their opposites or synonyms.

1 comentario:

  1. Wow! I like that you even tried to explain them the vocabulary by drawing on the board. As teachers, we have to learn a little bit about everything to make students understand. I can see how creative you are dear friend.
