martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

2nd Practice (Intermediate)

I got early to the University. However, students from a prior class were still there and I couldn't start doing anything in advance (they left until it was past 9, I don't know why). Anyway, I handed out copies of song lyrics to students and they identified a couple of modals there while they listened to the song. 

I liked the presentation activity as it was a reading and a listening at the same time. The audio was a narration of a passage found in the book. Afterwards there were questions including "could" and "have to". Furthermore, they discussed how much life has changed in their families, generation-wise, like in the reading.

The grammar focus aimed to explain the common uses of modals for advice (should, must), obligation (have to, must) and permission (could). I wrote down some example sentences. I clarified the structure of sentences using modals and the third person form. Introduction of new vocabulary was also  a part of the class that I developed as new words came up from the practice and their inquiring.

In the following activity, students worked on a worksheet in which there were exercises that included a list of possible modals to write in each item. So, students selected the most fitting one for each case. I checked the answers with students and they got most of them right. They grasped both the affirmative and negative forms.

For the last activity, they worked in pairs. I handed out actors' photos that had a situation pasted in the back. Students pretended to be the manager of one celebrity. They were to give pieces of advice regarding the actor's  training for a movie role. I prompted them to use "should" or "must" and to write down their ideas. In the end, they shared one of their advices with the rest of their classmates. The group seemed to be pleased with the class. 

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