viernes, 18 de mayo de 2012

2nd Practice With Advanced

My second practice with this group differed in its development from the first one. Many more students attended, therefore, it was their first time, with me as a practitioneer. I was lucky enough to have found a song that has the same title, as a reading I used during the class (with PDP framework). 

The lyrics also described the phenomenon, which was "northern lights/aurora borealis". So, my warm-up consisted of playing the song, checking for new vocabulary and to connect it to the target article. Students seemed to like it, as the song wasn't old, but actually part of the popular twilight series soundtrack. They read the text, and new words were added, and explained in the vocabulary section of the board, using examples and drawings. The rest of the class went well too, and time wasn't enough to cover everything my tutor had assigned. However, she told me it was ok, for the pace was alright. 

This time, I decided to have them check a few questions about the article, before reading it. They had a short discussion about them. Then, I gave directions and the purpose was to have all of the students, one by one, read aloud one part of the text. At the same time, there were some pauses for their questions and addition of new vocabulary to their glossary. Everybody participated, and in the end, they answered the questions, and shared them as well.

In this opportunity, they had more confidence, and they also were more numerous. That's why they made more questions, and the class felt like an almost non-stop process. The flow was more dynamic, which his more demanding, but it is also pretty good to have a more responsive group. Hopefully, improvement will continue during the remaining practices.  

2 comentarios:

  1. Good for you Jonathan. Let me tell you that it was surprising for me to know that you decided to change a basic group for an advance group. But I like to know that you feel better when teaching advance. I can see that you are improving. At the beginning I could not picture you in my mind as a teacher, but now I see that you are a very good teacher.

  2. I really like the kind of activities you develop with your students. Let me tell you that I believe that the strong teacher that is in your heart works better with advanced groups. It is strange because most of as prefer Basic students, but you are doing a great job there. Congratulatios!
