viernes, 30 de marzo de 2012

2nd Practice (Intermediate Group)

Today's practice was more tiresome than last time, as I checked the students' homework, and some of them hadn't worked on it, like they were supposed to. They still have problems with the variations of using the third person in simple present sentences (adding the "s" to verbs), the use of auxiliars for making questions and changing "have" to "has", also with the third person. The class wasn't about that, but I had to take some time to explain those doubts. 

The topic was "modals". Most of the students were able to use them correctly, the problem is that there were cases in which they could use more than one modal, but in general, they managed to deal with the possibilities, and which modal was more suitable, according to each sentence.

Unexpectedly, I got a better grade, I think it was because I followed the teacher's suggestion, to put more effort in monitoring the students while they were working. This group is more responsive and talkative when working. They like free practice.

The only con is that some of them still don't have their books or don't bring them to class, which is unfortunate. Because of this reason, one girl spent some time on her blackberry. Since the homework was from the book, she remained passive during the time I was checking that. However, she did take part in the speaking practice, and paired up for one book activity, despite not being very active...

Obviously, there is always a small group of people who seem a little careless, but I focused on the ones who were asking questions, developing the activities, the ones interested in learning. 

In the end, the teacher commented that it is important to correct their pronunciation, which I will take into account. I suppose it feels kind of awkward correcting students, as one probably doesn't feel with enough or as much authority, as the tutor, who's in charge of the group. Anyway, I'll do my best to effectively correct, in a proper manner next time I teach for my practice.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi Jonathan!
    I always enjoy reading your entries, and today it`s not the exception. I´m glad because as I see you are doing better.
    In fact, I understand that you can´t believe you have all the authority in the classroom yet; the same happens to me. But I think we have to realize that in that moment we are the teachers, and it is going to help us. Congratulations and keep on working hard =D

  2. I think everubody feels the same, I mean we do not feel with the authority in the classroom, and you know what? my tutor told me: "you are the authority and you have to show that to the students otherwise they will not obey you or pay attention to you.
    I am glad to read your improvement on this issue and continue working hard!!!!!!!!!
