sábado, 18 de febrero de 2012

Second Teaching Practice

My second practice with the Basic English group went without any surprises. I added more things to my class, and developed more activities, time was barely enough. The grade was almost the same. It was nice that students already knew why I was there. I used a lot of listening practice and they participated. I finally got the chance to use the famous flashcards I made last semester. It was clear that some students had a wider vocabulary, as they participated more often, but adding a vocabulary section on the board worked out nicely.

The grammar explanation was about the "simple present tense", which is a topic that is usually developed over several classes. However, students seemed to get it, as they were able to work properly on the written exercises. Once again, enthusiasm was singled out as the aspect to be improved. I guess it's hard to exhibit it when playing an audio or writing grammatical structures on the board. 

Hopefully I'll get the chance to have more free practice on the upcoming practices. Eye contact was also mentioned, and I agree with my tutor teacher, although it's not so easy to look at all students in the eye when writing on the board or playing a cd track  (for I had to be near the cd player). Despite not making eye contact during the entire class, I did observe everybody when making sure they were working on the written practice and while having choral repetition and asking for participation with "routine/actions" flashcards, for simple present examples. I personally don't even like when teachers look at me in the eye, it feels like they are trying to test you in a tense way, so that's probably the reason I unconciously don't do it myself, but in order to get a better grade, I'll have to pretend apparently, so it's just one of those things about teaching I must keep in mind.

4 comentarios:

  1. Wow!!! it is great that you have started to use the flashcard we did laste semester, and I think with the level you are working with, you really need to use material like that one, so that students can have better understanding on what you are teaching..
    I agree when you say that enthusiam tend to be difficult to show when you are explaining grammar, but there must be a way to do it. we gotta keep on trying to do things better!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Hi there, I see that you really like the free practice and I wonder why. Is it because you really like to see students to participate? or is it because the teacher just says what students are going to do and you just tutor them? Lol I am just kidding. Let me tell you that most of the teachers do not like the grammar part and we as practitioners are very lucky because we always take the grammar part.

    talking about eye contact, remember that you do not have to focus just on one part of students. you have to seem as if your eyes are focused in all the students but in fact you are not looking directly at their eyes but above their heads.

  3. I don't know about the "lucky" part, but I hope it is as you say. I always learn grammar inductively. Immersion has always been a far more natural process when learning a language, than memorizing rules. Thanks for the advice on the eye contact, I didn't know, your tip is appreciated.

  4. Thakns for sharing Jonathan! The idea of a vocabulary section sounds great for me. I think it is a nice way to introduce new vocabulary to the students. You also mention about eye contact in which I agree with you because it is kind of hard to be making eye contact with each of them, I think xavier advide is really important because this position helps you to have a better control of the class.Good luck and as all of us expect next class will be better.
