jueves, 9 de febrero de 2012

First Teaching Practice

Today, I had my first teaching practice at the University, in Basic English. It was a very rich experience in terms of getting feedback on my teaching skills, which was new at this level. In general, it went better than expected. I am satisfied with the results, as it was my starting point. Students participated, but not as much as it would be ideal. However, I think it's normal because I hadn't been their teacher before. In addition, some basic students tend to participate less, for they're insecure. 

As I predicted from before I started my universitary studies, the teacher said I was kind of serious, but that's a personality trait that I hope won't stop me from teaching properly and graduating (fingers crossed). I had a similar experience to Alex, in the sense that the first 5 minutes were the hardest. I think it's because you feel everyone's eyes heavily looking at you. Fortunately, the group collaborated and carried out all of the activities. Not all of the students had the book & handout, but I was able to rely on the board, and oral practice. They seemed to like the examples I used, so that was nice. 

I was able to control nervousness, which was great for me. As time went by, everything felt better and time was almost not enough, it felt like 20 minutes. I am also grateful that they actually worked on the written exercise, since last year I wasn't so lucky on a class. Nevertheless, this time, I checked everybody's work, and most people had done it right. I'm looking forward to improve in the next practices, and I hope you do well on your classes, so we can share our experiences.

5 comentarios:

  1. Thank you for your wishes toward us Jonathan, and let me tell you that it is very difficult to start a class because everyone is looking at you. In this teaching practice we have a huge opportunity and it is to learn from perfection(the character), who gets tens in the teaching practicum. another thing I want to share with you is that in the teaching process, it doest matter if you are serious or not. the only thing you have to try is to control your class and to make your students participate so that they learn.

  2. You are right Jonathan, since you feel comfortable with the class, time is not enough. In my case there were like two activities that I could not develop, and it was because of time. Congrats!!! cuz you said it was great. It means that everyone has done well in the classes

  3. It seems to me that you were well prepared to teach your class; that can be a huge advantage for us since we are just practitioners by now. Great you controlled your nervousness and that you´re really positive toward being a teacher. Obviously, you´ll reach perfection in your next teaching practices :)

  4. IT feels nice, right? I am glad to read that you had a nice experience in your first class. It is true that you do not have to be smiling all the time for your students to enjoy your classes; it depends on the activities you prepare and the way you present them. I hope next classes are even better than the first one.

  5. Jonathan, I am so proud of you since I know how hard teaching has been for you. I know that you are able to do it even better than us, but everything is a matter of attitude. As the time passes by, you will see how students get accustomed to you and your teaching style; in this way your class environment will be better. Thanks for sharing...
