viernes, 20 de abril de 2012

Final Practice With Intermediate

Fortunately, just like some of my other classmates, the last class with the group was better.

For the warmup, I related the previously studied content. I used a song, "She will be loved" (Maroon 5) for having students convert a couple of verses from the lyrics into passive/active voice. It worked out well. They liked the song, and sang along with the copies of the text I gave them.

What satisfied me the most about the class is that I was able to fulfill a larger objective, having reading, writing and oral practice for the class. Another challenge was conducting the "Passive Voice Race Game". As it was a TPR activity, at first I was dubious about whether I could pull it off. Students participated, and the dynamic was nice. They worked in groups, getting a sentene strip (active voice) for each round, in which they would convert the sentence to passive voice. In the end, I corrected mistakes, with help from students and choral repetiton. 

The last activity consisted in students creating a piece of "news" (writing) and later broadcast (oral) to the class group. They took their time to finish. Since the class was being filmed, they felt insecure, but when some of them participated, everybody else decided to share their news. 

There was new vocabulary in the class, from the song, from the book activity, and some words the students brought up. I was able to provide examples on the board, synonyms, write proper spelling, use gestures, and suggest possible uses in different contexts. 

I got a good grade this time. In general, the practice was an even more fruitful experience with the Intermediate group than with Basic. Thanks for your comments and support, let's hope we do better next period.

lunes, 16 de abril de 2012

Third Practice (Intermediate Group)

My last practice was perhaps the most unusual. The time was limited for students had evalations afterwards. I only developed two activities. I used a guessing game that my tutor prompted me to include. The funny thing is that the game wasn't kinesthetic, nor entertaining, it was about composition and guessing answers of a partner. I don't think teens enjoy that much, but at least, they did work on it, so that's positive. 

Finally, the activity involving famous people got better results, as the group liked the pictures I brought, and were eager to make up news about the lives of celebrities. They were paired to get ideas more quickly, and they shared their creations verbally in the end.

The practice was OK, but I think I did better in the past two times. I haven't gotten the feedback yet, but I will make an effort to do my best on the last practice with this group. What did please me was correcting students' writing, which is part of my focus, following my tutor's advice.